Keppel Bay Plaza has 290 car parks, many of which are located under shade sails.
Public Transport
There are a variety of public transport options in order to visit Keppel Bay Plaza. Order a taxi directly to and from Keppel Bay Plaza. Call Capricorn Coast Taxis on 07 4939 3808 or Yellow Cabs on 13 19 24. Young Bus Services stop directly outside on James Street. Visit www.youngsbusservice.com.au for more information and timetables.
Toilets & Parent’s Room Facilities
Toilets and a Parents’ room are located on the Arthur Street side of Keppel Bay Plaza. Take the corridor next to Hi Lites Hair Studio, located opposite Rockmans. Disabled toilets are also accessible via this hallway.
Mobility & Disabled Access
For your convenience, Keppel Bay Plaza is accessible across one flat level and we are wheelchair friendly. Please contact Centre Management if you require assistance.
Lost Property
Please report any lost items immediately to Centre Management. The Centre Management office is located at the Queen Street end of Keppel Bay Plaza, down the hall near Rockmans. If you find any lost items, please hand them to a Security Officer or one of our friendly retailers.
You will find three ATM facilities at Keppel Bay Plaza. There are ATMs located outside the North Entrance (via James Street), East Entrance (via Arthur Street) and in front of the Bank of Queensland.
Keppel Bay Plaza is open 7 days a week:
Monday to Saturday: 8.30 am – 5.30 pm
Sunday: 9.45 am – 5.30 pm
Monday to Friday: 8.00am – 9.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am – 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am – 6.00pm